Strong magnet that could be designed to almost any shape seemed a good choice to relax for working person. However Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has warned parents that those strong permanent magnets might be a killer of children.
CPSC issued a warning that if children accidently swallow several magnets or metals, those items would attract one another across the intestinal walls which probably causes intestinal perforation, bowel obstruction, blood poisoning or other severe injuries. Sometimes it may even result in death.
CPSC has received 17 reports about children mistakenly swallow magnets. In 11 of them, the magnets inside their bodies need to be removed by surgery. An 18-moth-old boy swallowed 3 magnetic balls by mistake when nobody paid any attention to him. An abdominal ultrasound scan showed that those 3 balls attracted each other inside the large and small intestine. Everywhere they went they attacked the boy’s intestinal tract.
The boy’s mother said that doctors had to extract the boy’s 0.91-meter- small intestine and 1.8-meter- large intestine. And he could never drink whole milk or eat fried food.
“We hope parents understand the potential dangerous of permanent magnet though they seem harmless.” said CPSC Chairman. CPSC warned that swallow magnet accidently might result in symptoms, abdominal pain, dizziness diarrhea and vomiting. Children who gobbled magnets needs immediate medical attention once found.
Tags: permanent magnet, magnetic balls